Matthias Kranebitter ///
artistic director
Matthias Kranebitter, born 1980 in Vienna, studied composition, electro-acoustic music, film and media composition as well as piano at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, at the Conservatory van Amsterdam and the University of Graz.
His music is characterized by aspects of our media society, a dense accumulation and mash-up from everyday life’s trash sounds to a flittering-colourful and hyper-heterogenic sound flood, a comic-like, grotesque distortion of clichéd musical gestures with an ironic ambivalence, aiming for an Art Brut in music.
He is founder of the ensemble Black Page Orchestra as well as one of the initiators of UNSAFE+SOUNDS FESTIVAL - antidisciplinary Festival / Media Arts Music in Vienna.
For 2015 he was awarded the Berlin Scholarship and invited to the Akademie der Künste Berlin.
Alessandro Baticci ///
artistic board, concert management
He is active as a composer and electroacoustic performer as well as a flutist, performing mainly the contemporary repertoire.
He played in various festival and venues such as 'Suono&Immagine' in Milan, 'Compositiori a Confronto' in Reggio Emilia, 'Rassegna Contemporanea' in Rome, Kyoto International Music Student Festival, Wiener Festwochen, Wiener Konzerthaus, Wiener Musikverein, performing with Divertimento Ensemble, Klangforum Wien, Barbara Moser and others.
As a performer he worked with composers such as B.Furrer, S. Sciarrino, T. Murail and B. Ferheyhough.
He currently studies electroacoustic composition (under Prof. Karlheinz Essl) and flute (under Prof B. Gisler-Haase) at the University for Music and performing Arts in Vienna and composition (under Prof. B.Furrer) at the University of the Arts in Graz.

Mirela Ivičević ///
artistic board, social media
Mirela Ivičević (Split, Croatia 1980) graduated Composition and Music Theory from the Academy of Music in Zagreb where she studied with Željko Brkanović, before coming to Austria for postgraduate studies in Media Composition and applied Music at Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien with Klaus Peter Sattler and composition with Beat Furrer at Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Graz.